
Помогите написать батник

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Добрый день, помогите создать батник для backup по сети 


Вот текст строки создания архива


"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zG.exe" a -t7z KAMIN-%date%.7z -mx9 C:\Patch -scsWIN -ssw

@echo off



Вопрос N1 Архив создаётся в том же месте, где лежит bat файл, какой параметр дописать что бы он создавал архив по пути C:\1  

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Ой извиняюсь затупил, строка приняла конечный вид  "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zG.exe" a -t7z C:\1\KAMIN-%date%.7z -mx9 C:\Patch -scsWIN -ssw

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-w (set Working directory) switch

Sets the working directory for the temporary base archive. By default, 7-Zip builds a new base archive file in the same directory as the old base archive file. By specifying this switch, you can set the working directory where the temporary base archive file will be built. After the temporary base archive file is built, it is copied over the original archive; then, the temporary file is deleted.




Specifies the destination directory path. It's not required that a path end with a backslash.

If <dir_path> is not assigned, then 7-Zip will use the Windows temporary directory.


7z a -tzip archive.zip *.cpp -wc:\temp

adds *.cpp files to the archive.zip archive, creating a temporary archive in c:\temp folder.

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